Small Business Spotlight

The Pampered Pup Barkery

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Just before the holidays I had the pleasure of meeting the lovely person behind The Pampered Pup Barkery. Jennifer Froud has been baking the most amazing, healthy and delicious treats for dogs for just over a year. She celebrated her one year anniversary September 18th 2023.

Her own dog, Delilah, was Jenn’s inspiration to bake home-made dog treats. Delilah had some sensitivities towards wheat. Jenn noticed when her pup was young that, after eating treats, she would lick and chew her paws quite aggressively. She noticed a pattern and immediately stopped giving her dog treats or food with wheat and the symptoms went away. This allergy was the impetus that set the Pampered Pup Barkery in motion. Jenn then started making Delilah treats without wheat . From that point she thought she might like to do this for other people and began getting a variety of molds and experimenting with a range of recipes.

All of Jenn’s baked goods are made using human grade ingredients. Her treats are all natural ,with no preservatives, additives or artificial colouring. The treats are also free of sugar and salt. She uses boneless, skinless chicken breasts for her dehydrated chicken jerky, inside or outside round beef for her dehydrated beef bites. Jen also makes dehydrated sweet potatoe treats ( all of her dehydrated treats are single ingredient). Pampered Pup treats are better without preservatives and all those other ingredients not suitable for dogs, but this also means the shelf life is shorter. That is a bit of a trade off. The treats will last about two weeks refrigerated but also can be frozen for up to three months.

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Some of her treats are made using whole wheat flour, but she has quite a few treats that are 100% wheat free. These are made with certified gluten-free oats and brown rice flour. She makes grain-free treats on demand as well using almond flour. Jen uses all fresh fruits and vegetables and cheese so that your dog gets all the same nutrition you would want to feed your own family. All packaging contains the ingredients list as well as storage recommendations.

Some of the varieties Jen makes are apple cheddar, peanut butter pumpkin, and peanut butter banana. Also on the menu are peanut butter pumpkin pupcakes and maple bacon waffles(see below images) . Not only are these handcrafted treats incredibly delicious but they look amazing too! Jen ensures that all equipment is thoroughly cleaned in between batches to ensure for the very best products. She even goes as far as having two dehydraters ( one for vegetables and one for meats). This ensures dogs with allergies get only what is safe for them.

Maple Bacon Waffles

Jen loves doing themed treats and is clearly very artistic . She has done fall treats ( so squirrel , maple leafs, and fire hydrants). She really loves the holiday and halloween treats and people seem to love them also. Jen enjoys coming up with new products in order to keep things fresh and keep people interested. She puts her whole heart and soul into her dog treats and bakes for all dogs as though they were her own.

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Halloween Dog Treats
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Jenn regularly does charity work in order to give to various rescue groups. And 10% or all her sales are donated back to rescue groups. She tries to donate to local rescues first. For example in March 2023 Jenn had a fundraiser where she baked 108 pup cakes ( see above image) raising $400 for a dog in need ( Roscoe) through the Full Circle Rescue group. Amazing!

Jenn clearly enjoys what she does and I would think it’s fair to say the Pampered Pup Barkery is a labour of love. If you are interested in testing out these amazing hand crafted dog treats I would highly recommend you do! Jenn has business pages on Facebook the Pampered Pup Barkery and Instagram where she sells her treats. She has newly put together an order form where people can see all the menu offerings in one place and complete their order which is then emailed to her.

If you are keen to try some home baked treats yourself Jenn recommends checking out a variety of recipes online . And when feeding store bought treats , She suggests that people should be very careful and make sure they are reading the labels on the packages to ensure your dog is getting safe and healthy treats.

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